Monday, August 27, 2012

Last to Cross the Finish Line: Part One

Recently, my colleague +Fred Sauer and I gave a tech talk called "Last Across the Finish Line: Asynchronous Tasks with App Engine". This is part one in a three part series where I will share our learnings and give some helpful references to the App Engine documentation.


Before I dive in, a quick overview of our approach:
  • "Fan out; Fan in" First spread tasks over independent workers; then gather the results back together
  • Use task queues to perform background work in parallel
    • Tasks have built-in retries
    • Can respond quickly to the client, making UI more responsive
  • Operate asynchronously when individual tasks can be executed independently, hence can be run concurrently
    • If tasks are too work intensive to run synchronously, (attempt to) break work into small independent pieces
  • Break work into smaller tasks, for example:
    • rendering media (sounds, images, video)
    • retrieving and parsing data from an external service (Google Drive, Cloud Storage, GitHub, ...)
  • Keep track of all workers; notify client when work is complete
Before talking about the sample, let's check it out in action:
We are randomly generating a color in a worker and sending it back to the client to fill in a square in the "quilt". (Thanks to +Iein Valdez for this term.) In this example, think of each square as a (most likely more complex) compute task.

Application Overview

The application has a simple structure:
|-- app.yaml
+-- templates/
       +-- main.html
We'll inspect each of the Python modules, and individually and explore how they interact with one another. In addition to this, we'll briefly inspect the HTML and Javascript contained in the template main.html, to understand how the workers pass messages back to the client.

In this post, I will explain the actual background work we did and briefly touch on the methods for communicating with the client, but won't get into client side code or the generic code for running the workers and watching them all as they cross the finish line. In the second post, we’ll examine the client side code and in the third, we’ll discuss the models that orchestrate the work.


These worker methods are defined in To generate the random colors, we simply choose a hexadecimal digit six different times and throw a # on at the beginning:
import random

HEX_DIGITS = '0123456789ABCDEF'

def RandHexColor(length=6):
  result = [random.choice(HEX_DIGITS) for _ in range(length)]
  return '#' + ''.join(result)
With RandHexColor in hand, we define a worker that will take a row and column to be colored and a session ID that will identify the client requesting the work. This worker will generate a random color and then send it to the specified client along with the row and column. To pass messages to the client, we use the Channel API and serialize our messages using the json library in Python.
import json
from google.appengine.api import channel

def SendColor(row, column, session_id):
  color = RandHexColor(length=6)
  color_dict = {'row': row, 'column': column, 'color': color}
  channel.send_message(session_id, json.dumps(color_dict))


In the next post, we'll explore the WSGI handlers that run the application and the client side code that handles the messages from the workers.

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